Jeanne Cavelos and I talk about her journey from Astrophysicist to Sci-Fi editor, to writer, to creator of the Odyssey Writing Workshop.
Odyssey Writing Workshops Charitable Trust site (lots of free resources for writers): https://odysseyworkshop.org/
Jeanne’s site: http://jeannecavelos.com/
Odyssey Blog: https://odysseyworkshop.wordpress.com/
Odyssey Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/OdysseyWorkshop
Odyssey Twitter Page: https://twitter.com/OdysseyWorkshop
Odyssey Instagram Page: https://www.instagram.com/odysseyworkshop/
Odyssey Pinterest Page: https://www.pinterest.com/odysseyworkshop/
Odyssey YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/OdysseyWorkshop
The next book we cover will be Love and Gravity, by Samantha Sotto, in a crossover episode with Melissa Haskins of the Paperback Romance Book Club Podcast.
It is more than likely available at your local library, and can also be purchased here:
Sisters of Sci-Fi is available on iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, and through the RSS Feed.