This episode is filled with SPOILERS, since we give specifics throughout our discussion.
I am so sorry this episode is a week late- I was dealing with the aftermath of being so heavily involved in the midterms here in California.
Nadia Vazquez and I cover Ink by Sabrina Vourvoulias. If you haven’t read it, yet, it can more than likely be found at your local library, or can be purchased here:
Ebook version:
(Also available through the iBooks app)
The link to Sabrina Vourvoulias’ about page which is a fantastic resource:
While I moderately enjoyed this book, Nadia really disliked it, and explains how its problematic elements affected her.
Trigger warning for a brief mention of rape (I also give a trigger warning in the episode when we are about to mention it- we do not give details) towards the middle of the episode.
Our next book for Episode 7 (to be posted on Tuesday, December 4th) will be Shore of Women by Pamela Sargent.
The physical copy is more than likely available at your local library, but can also be purchased through here:
The ebook version is available on iBooks and also on kindle. Bonus… there is an audio book recording on Audible as well.
Sisters of Sci-Fi is available on iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, and through the RSS Feed!